The intention this quarter will be to understand the message of John's Gospel.
12.28 - Epilogue: Knowing Jesus and His Word
God is love. The whole Bible testifies to this fact. How we understand God's love has massive implications to how we view God and His toward us. This quarter we will explore God's love and justice and we will learn that the 2 are inseparably linked.
01.04 - God Loves Freely
01.11 - Covenantal Love
01.18 - To Be Pleasing to God
01.25 - God is Passionate and Compassionate
02.01 - The Wrath of Divine Love
02.08 - God's Love of Justice
02.15 - The Problem of Evil
02.22 - Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence
03.01 - The Cosmic Conflict
03.08 - Rules of Engagement
03.15 - What More Could I Have Done?
03.22 - Love and Justice: The Two Greatest Commandments
03.29 - Love is the Fulfillment of the Law