Chinese Service
Sabbath School - 10 am - Main Sanctuary
2024 Study Material
4th Quarter - Themes in the Gospel of John - 學課下載
12.14 - 第 11 課
12.21 - 第 12 課
12.28 - 第 13 課
1st Quarter - God's love and justice - 學課下載
01.04 -
01.11 -
01.18 -
01.25 -
02.01 -
02.08 -
02.15 -
02.22 -
03.01 -
03.08 -
03.15 -
03.22 -
03.29 -
Sabbath Worship Service - 11 am - Main Sanctuary
Live-Stream - 聖日崇拜直播
Recoreded Services are available to view on YouTube or on the chinese Service "VIDEO Sermons" page.
Tuesday - ZOOM Bible Study
7:30 PM
WEDNESDAY - ZOOM Prayer Meeting
8:00 PM